Man Buns —
A Hairdo Or Don’t?

Man buns. Love ‘em or think they are the ‘do of douchebags, the hairstyle is popular, especially among guys who’d rather pile it up than pay a barber.

Man buns used to mean something else entirely, but now It’s all about the long locks. Guys who sport the man bun (some may call it a top knot) are all in, making their mane the main attraction.

Who’s Wearing Man Buns?

Hipster bros are primarily the group going for this look.

But not just any old twenty- or thirty-something is the type to make their mark with a man bun. It’s not nerdy and it’s not neat. It’s creative but not cutesy. It’s by no means a ponytail, so put that out of your mind. And don’t call it an “updo.”

There’s something strangely intriguing about the dude who’s man bun material, but it’s hard to put your finger on it. What is it about this guy that makes the man bun work? Or, is it the man bun that catapulted his cool-factor up a notch?

The “chicken or the egg” theory is at play, yet for a guy to attempt the style in the first place takes a certain level of confidence, not to mention patience ‘till his hair length is long enough to fix a decent bun.

Do Ladies Like The Look?

Some chicks dig this look. It means the guy is laid-back, modern, and self-assured. Plus, he’s probably got some nice shampoos and conditioners in his shower, perfect for overnighters. Long hair has its perks.

Muscle And Fitness surveyed 100 ladies about the man bun hairstyle. One woman said, “I can’t really explain the sex appeal of a man bun. Maybe it’s the convenience factor of being able to share hair ties with your boyfriend. Either way, I love them.”

Does a woman want a guy with longer hair than she has? This issue may come into play, and the “battle of the better hair” could cause a relationship to crumble. Let’s hope people aren’t this shallow.

Conservative gals probably won’t be turned on by the man bun. A nice neat haircut is more their style, especially when it comes time to introduce her boyfriend to her parents. Short hair wins out in this scenario.

The Man Bun Done Right

Your hair must be long enough to create a nicely rounded, yet casually “messy” and full bun. A skimpy man bun with short pieces protruding out is not a good look. The effort may be there, but the execution is lacking.

People will be looking at your hair if you become a man bun guy. Keep it clean and shiny. An oily man bun is gross, especially when you decide to let it loose. And if you’re prone to dandruff, you’d better get that taken care of as soon as possible. Flakes are frowned upon, and people will wonder what else taking up residence in your man bun. Brush your hair to keep it untangled, no matter the texture, even curly hair.

Need Some Inspiration?

Think about some of the famous guys who love a good man bun. They can pull it off, so why can’t you?

Jason Momoa, Harry Styles, David Beckham, Jared Leto, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Chris Hemsworth all have tried the man bun thing, and they’ve got no shortage of love from the ladies.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that they are all well above-average in the looks department. They’d probably look just as good with a mullet.

Good luck trying the man bun, if you dare. If you’ve already got one going, good for you. Just be sure to maintain the style as it suits you. Years from now, you’ll look back on your photos and either smile or shake your head.