Dude Blogs

Dude Blogs

Why Toilet Seat Covers Are An Exercise In Futility

Why Toilet Seat Covers Are An Exercise In Futility

That Time DUDE Wipes Saved Archie Bradley's Ass

That Time DUDE Wipes Saved Archie Bradley's Ass

What Does Your Pee Say About Your Health?

What Does Your Pee Say About Your Health?

How Often Do Dudes Need To Wash Their Hair?

How Often Do Dudes Need To Wash Their Hair?

5 Worst Father’s Day Gifts

5 Worst Father’s Day Gifts

Half of All Dudes Don't Wash Their Faces, What's The Deal?

Half of All Dudes Don't Wash Their Faces, What's The Deal?
Shameless product placement
exclude|Packaging for the DUDE Bombs product containing 40 pods. Tagline: The fragrance oils create a barrier that keeps odor in the toilet and instantly neutralizes stank in the air

Here's What Your Poop Says About Your Health

Here's What Your Poop Says About Your Health

What Is A DUDE To Do About Colorectal Cancer?

What Is A DUDE To Do About Colorectal Cancer?

Why Science Says You Don't Have to Shower Every Day

Why Science Says You Don't Have to Shower Every Day

DUDE & DUDE Wipes Logos

DUDE & DUDE Wipes Logos